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Stakers are earningStaking APR + Restaking APR + Eigenlayer Points + LRT points + Zircuit Points


Toggle1. What are Zircuit Points?
Toggle2. What is the Zircuit staking program?
Toggle3. Where is the APR coming from? What points am I earning?
Toggle4. What does Zircuit do with my restaked ETH/BTC?
Toggle5. Where can I see my Points earned from Pendle?
Toggle6. Is there a minimum deposit amount to earn Points?
Toggle7. Are the contracts safe? How do I know my assets are safe?
Toggle8. What are Swell, Renzo, KelpDAO, EtherFi, Liquid Collective, Lido, Eigenpie, Ethena, StakeStone, Puffer, Mantle, PumpBTC and Mellow?
Toggle9. How do I earn more points?
Toggle10. Can I deposit native ETH?
Toggle11. Is there an unstaking period?
Toggle12. Is there a bug bounty program?